Women in Property
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
This year the Beach Baker team have attended several excellent networking events brought to us by Women in Property (WIP). Marie and Ruth have been particularly active in the Bristol area with Katrina frequenting events in Birmingham.
Events have included Women in Property South West and a joint event with the BPAA, on Bristol’s ‘One City’ Plan. Kindly hosted by JLL the morning started with breakfast and networking, followed by a series of talks, chaired by Ros Trotman (Chairman of Women in Property SW) and Paul Baker (President of the BPAA).
The ‘One City’ Plan was published in January 2019 and sets out a vision for Bristol and future developments up to 2050, and how city partners will work together to create a fair, healthy and sustainable city. Speakers included:
- Marvis Rees, Mayor of Bristol
- Cllr Asher Craig, Deputy Mayor & cabinet member for Communities & Equalities
- Colin Molton, Interim Executive Director of Growth & Regeneration at BCC
- Cllr Nicola Beech, Cabinet member for Spatial Planning & City Design
- Zoe Wilcox, Head of Planning at BCC
- James Durie, Chief Executive, Bristol Chamber of Commerce & Initiative