S.O.S Beach Baker to the Rescue...
Thursday, December 12, 2013
This November saw the return of the Surveyors Organised Social, this time in Racks the ever popular party venue. On Thursday November 21st Surveyors from around the South West came to join us in a festive drink or two in the Playroom at Racks, Clifton.
The evening kicked off with a free drink and it soon became apparent that most who were invited came and even brought along a friend, turning the playroom into the place to be on a cold November evening. Thanks to Beach Baker’s bar tab which grew to a very healthy total (much to the dismay of the directors) everyone got a free festive drink and plenty of opportunities to network with fellow surveyors from a wide range of different companies and locations.
This was a great chance for Surveyors from around Bristol and the South West to meet and network with one another. If you couldn’t make it and would like to join us for the next S.O.S event email us at info@beachbaker.co.uk and we will add you to the list. Keep checking our news and events section for future S.O.S events in Bristol.